I’ve also been walking around the cemetery some since I’ve been here. It’s actually a really cool place- I’ve seen some missionaries tombs, military soldiers, archeologists; men and women; young and old (and my age); Arab, German, English, American, Irish, all around the world. And most of these graves look like no one has visited them in a long, long time. I realized the short time we have here on earth, and how no one is likely to visit my grave 30 years after I die. It will likely be just like the ones I see in this cemetery: Grown over, decaying, uncared for, etc. There are few people who have their graves visited after their generation. I’m not trying to be morbid or depressing, but that’s just the truth.
I mention this background information, because these two ideas came together for me a little this weekend. Looking at all these huge walls and structures on Saturday at Lachish, Beth Shemesh, etc, I realized how fast things fade. The walls that some people put their hope and trust in quickly came tumbling down and were unvisited for many years. Now there is a small remain of foundation stones remembering all its glory.
What am I living for? Where is my trust and hope? Is anything I do today going to last or be remembered after this week, much less in 100 years? What is my foundation I’m building on? When all comes tumbling in on me, what is left standing up? Where’s my strength? When it comes down to you, if that’s not God who is eternal and everlasting, I’ll have my 70 years if I'm lucky, and then I’m done. Probably never to be known of again.
But my God in whom I my trust is everlasting to everlasting. He is my hope- my rock and my salvation. So day to day activities should be about making much of Him. He will be remembered. This is a movie where I have a ½ second shot where I’m in the background walking about. Jesus is the main character. It’s about Him, not me. Life is fleeting. He is remembered from Creation. He is the author and sustainer of everything. Huge cities will be built. They will come tumbling down and left in ruins. Empires are built and fall to nothing. But my hope is in something stronger- something eternal that cannot be forgotten. God is my fortress and strong tower. Though may life may seem like is has all fallen, He will stand and be my strength.
Small and insignificant, but standing on The Rock,
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