Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 3 In Galilee

Day 3 in Galilee started with an 18 mile run at 4:15 in the AM. Soooooo… it was going to be a long day. It actually wasn’t that bad. Running around the Galilee thinking of Jesus’ ministry while listening to angst-filled, Christ-centered music about Jesus is a pretty moving experience. I would recommend it. Plus, the Galilee is flat. Jerusalem is not flat. I like running on flat ground. It’s a nice change of pace (no pun intended, but pun intended).

There were two highlights for me on Day 3. One was standing overlooking the town of Nazareth and the other was at Tel Dan. First, the view from the “Nazareth Ridge” was pretty awesome. It overlooks the Jezreel Valley where a lot of Bible stories took place- Gideon thinning out his army, Elijah’s and Elisha’s ministry, etc. Plus you can view other significant sites on mount’s Gilboa, Tabor, and Carmel. You can picture Jesus being taught by His rabbi overlooking all of these places and learning about them. We stood on the mount where Jesus is “remembered” to have walked through the crowd as the people cornered him and tried to throw him off. We got into this long conversation about how Jesus would have walked through the crowd, and how that appears strange. The “legend” is that he flew off to another mount, which someone brought up as a viable option. Another said he might have just ran off and scurried away off the side of the mountain. I’m going to stick with the Bible on this one and say he walked right through the midst of him- how? By walking on his two feet through the midst of them. I don’t have the patience or time to speculate about what might have happened. The Bible says he walked through them, so he walked through them. Liberal unbelief is something that irritates, so sorry for waiting. There’s other thing you can’t describe by reading into the Bible- like the Resurrection, or walking on water, or raising Lazarus, or healing a blind man.

Anyway, my second highlight was Tel Dan. This sight was pretty cool. It’s been turned into a national sight and has a lot of cool paths going through and following the Jordan. It’s right at the headwaters of the Jordan, so the water is super clear and pure. Not too Biblically significant, but it was just a cool place with awesome trails. I could have wandered for hours.

Day 4 is more exciting. This day was just a day full of a lot of cool, broad sights of the Northern Galilee. Day 4 will be all around the Galilee and all about Jesus. I’m a fan of Jesus, not so much geological structures and rock type.

I'm tying to post Pictures, my either the internet is sucky or the pictures are too big and take forever to upload. But I'm trying and have waited a literal hour for some to load and no luck. Pictures would make what I'm talking about a lot cooler and interesting. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Miss you guys,


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