I want to interrupt my Galilee experience with something cool that happened 2 days ago. I don't think I need to inform you that there is some animosity between the Jews and Arabs in this country. They pretty much hate each other. I'm not sure there's a good parallel I could draw from. It's almost like racism between white and blacks, but more deep-seated and universal- it's lasted for 1300 years. It makes a fairly unhappy place. There are no smiles on the street; no greeting in passing- it just feels nervous and tense. But there is glimmer of light when the Gospel transforms that. We were talking with an Arab-Christian shop keeper the other day, when he said that he makes it a point to meet with his Jewish friend once a month so that their kids can play together and know that they each have a friend of a different race and ethnicity. HOW AWESOME IS THAT! I find that so powerful. The Gospel can overcome the greatest difficulty and cultural boundaries. It's grace, forgiveness, mercy, understanding of the universal church. The Gospel crumbles those walls in place. What other cause can do this? What other source can bring together two people so different and far apart. It reminds me of Paul's ministry in Philippi in Acts 16. The Gospel reconciles three people from 3 extremely different backgrounds. First, Lydia- seller of purple goods, houses in two of the biggest cities in the Ancient World, fashion-ista. She’s rich and well to do, a prominent woman in the city. Next, an unnamed demon-possessed girl- highly emotive and used by others. I think of broke/homeless prostitute. The third one is a Roman jailer- rough and tough, beer-drinking, hard, blue-collar dude. What is going to bring these people together? How could these three people worship the same God under one roof? THE GOSPEL! The Gospel transforms, reconciles and breaks down walls! Only God can do something so ridiculous. He creates unity from the deepest divisions. I love the unity of worshippers. I even see that here worshipping at JUC. There are so many different people- high intellect, high emotive, nice, quiet, loud, goofs, old, young, black, white- and we all can sing and worship the same God in similar and different ways. I love the unity of church in that respect.
Rocked by the Gospel (again),
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