Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 3 In Galilee

Day 3 in Galilee started with an 18 mile run at 4:15 in the AM. Soooooo… it was going to be a long day. It actually wasn’t that bad. Running around the Galilee thinking of Jesus’ ministry while listening to angst-filled, Christ-centered music about Jesus is a pretty moving experience. I would recommend it. Plus, the Galilee is flat. Jerusalem is not flat. I like running on flat ground. It’s a nice change of pace (no pun intended, but pun intended).

There were two highlights for me on Day 3. One was standing overlooking the town of Nazareth and the other was at Tel Dan. First, the view from the “Nazareth Ridge” was pretty awesome. It overlooks the Jezreel Valley where a lot of Bible stories took place- Gideon thinning out his army, Elijah’s and Elisha’s ministry, etc. Plus you can view other significant sites on mount’s Gilboa, Tabor, and Carmel. You can picture Jesus being taught by His rabbi overlooking all of these places and learning about them. We stood on the mount where Jesus is “remembered” to have walked through the crowd as the people cornered him and tried to throw him off. We got into this long conversation about how Jesus would have walked through the crowd, and how that appears strange. The “legend” is that he flew off to another mount, which someone brought up as a viable option. Another said he might have just ran off and scurried away off the side of the mountain. I’m going to stick with the Bible on this one and say he walked right through the midst of him- how? By walking on his two feet through the midst of them. I don’t have the patience or time to speculate about what might have happened. The Bible says he walked through them, so he walked through them. Liberal unbelief is something that irritates, so sorry for waiting. There’s other thing you can’t describe by reading into the Bible- like the Resurrection, or walking on water, or raising Lazarus, or healing a blind man.

Anyway, my second highlight was Tel Dan. This sight was pretty cool. It’s been turned into a national sight and has a lot of cool paths going through and following the Jordan. It’s right at the headwaters of the Jordan, so the water is super clear and pure. Not too Biblically significant, but it was just a cool place with awesome trails. I could have wandered for hours.

Day 4 is more exciting. This day was just a day full of a lot of cool, broad sights of the Northern Galilee. Day 4 will be all around the Galilee and all about Jesus. I’m a fan of Jesus, not so much geological structures and rock type.

I'm tying to post Pictures, my either the internet is sucky or the pictures are too big and take forever to upload. But I'm trying and have waited a literal hour for some to load and no luck. Pictures would make what I'm talking about a lot cooler and interesting. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Miss you guys,


Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Gospel Transforms

I want to interrupt my Galilee experience with something cool that happened 2 days ago. I don't think I need to inform you that there is some animosity between the Jews and Arabs in this country. They pretty much hate each other. I'm not sure there's a good parallel I could draw from. It's almost like racism between white and blacks, but more deep-seated and universal- it's lasted for 1300 years. It makes a fairly unhappy place. There are no smiles on the street; no greeting in passing- it just feels nervous and tense. But there is glimmer of light when the Gospel transforms that. We were talking with an Arab-Christian shop keeper the other day, when he said that he makes it a point to meet with his Jewish friend once a month so that their kids can play together and know that they each have a friend of a different race and ethnicity. HOW AWESOME IS THAT! I find that so powerful. The Gospel can overcome the greatest difficulty and cultural boundaries. It's grace, forgiveness, mercy, understanding of the universal church. The Gospel crumbles those walls in place. What other cause can do this? What other source can bring together two people so different and far apart. It reminds me of Paul's ministry in Philippi in Acts 16. The Gospel reconciles three people from 3 extremely different backgrounds. First, Lydia- seller of purple goods, houses in two of the biggest cities in the Ancient World, fashion-ista. She’s rich and well to do, a prominent woman in the city. Next, an unnamed demon-possessed girl- highly emotive and used by others. I think of broke/homeless prostitute. The third one is a Roman jailer- rough and tough, beer-drinking, hard, blue-collar dude. What is going to bring these people together? How could these three people worship the same God under one roof? THE GOSPEL! The Gospel transforms, reconciles and breaks down walls! Only God can do something so ridiculous. He creates unity from the deepest divisions. I love the unity of worshippers. I even see that here worshipping at JUC. There are so many different people- high intellect, high emotive, nice, quiet, loud, goofs, old, young, black, white- and we all can sing and worship the same God in similar and different ways. I love the unity of church in that respect.

Rocked by the Gospel (again),

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Lost Sheep of Israel

The first stop the second day in Galilee was also my favorite. First century Scytopolis (Old Testament Beth Shean) was probably one of my favorite sights we visited thus far. As I think about it, there have been a lot of really cool sights. This was different in a way from the others though. All the places Herod built (Masada, Caesarea, Herodium) were all pretty gross, but Scytopolis seemed more put together. It was Roman to the core, and there were a lot of remains left. It seemed like more of a Roman city than what I have seen yet.

The significance of this sight for me has to do with Jesus’ ministry. You are probably unfamiliar with the name, because it is never mentioned in the New Testament. Weird, because this was one of the Decapolis cities. Not only was it a huge, booming city; but anytime Jesus traveled to Jerusalem from the Galilee, he would pass through this sight. Anytime Jesus went south from Capernaum in the Galilee, where he did most of his ministry, he would go through Scytopolis. Moreover, there are routes that the Gospel writers include that Jesus must have passed through Scytopolis; however, it is found nowhere. As this question was raised, “why the heck is that?”- such an evident omission, I enjoyed the answer.

Jesus’ ministry was mainly for the “lost sheep of Israel.” Most all of Jesus’ ministry was directed towards the Jews and calling them back to God. “These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10.5-6). He even seems like a jerk in a dialogue in Matthew 15. “He answered “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” (24-25). In the next verse, Jesus seemed to only be testing her faith, and saw that it was great and healed to. More than that, I think Jesus was not probing, so that he would know. He already did know. It was to prove to her that she had faith and believed. The same could go for Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. But that’s another post- it’s clearly evident that Jesus’ ministry was directed towards Jews. When Greeks came to his disciples asking for him, he responded, “And Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him” (John 12.23-26). Jesus had a mission. It was not for the Gentiles-yet. Jesus ministry was filled with purpose and intent. He went a place, he healed a person, and moved on. At times, many people came to him to be made well, but he didn’t stay. His mission was the cross. That’s why he came into the world- to die and bear fruit so that you and me could enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Praising God for Jesus’ purpose and mission,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Peter and Paul in Caesarea

It’s been a busy week. Spending 4 days in the Galilee trying to see as much as you can is pretty exhausting. Not to mention being in the mid-term season with all that goes into that. Nonetheless, I got to spend 4 days in the Galilee. It was incredible. This will be the first of 4 posts describing the time there.

The first stop was at Caesarea Maritime on the shore of the Mediterranean. Herod did it again. Where nature said that it was impossible to build a port there, Herod creates the first cement that hardens under water and builds a harbor out into the sea. And then built his palace out on the water so it looked like it was floating on the sea. Oh yeah, and he had a fresh water pool foundation inside his house. My dude.

This is strange, but I remember seeing this on the History channel, or the discovery channel or something when I was young. Maybe middle school? And I remember thinking how sweet it would be to visit there and see this. There was this hippodrome (horse racing track) that took up a lot of the sight and had stadium seating overlooking the track and the sea. It also had a amphitheater which was pretty awesome as well.

What made this sight more shocking was the Biblical history involved here. It was just a cool, old Roman sight that I remember seeing on TV at first. But the Biblical history here proved to be even more valuable. Both Peter and Paul have deep roots in this sight. First, in Acts 9-10, Peter brings the Gospel to Cornelius here. Peter has a vision telling him to eat the unclean animals. Later he interprets this dream as opening up the salvation invitation beyond the Jews to the “unclean” Gentiles. Immediately after the vision, Cornelius’ servants show up at the place Peter is staying and ask him to come visit their master. Peter does, preaches the Gospel to Cornelius household, they receive the Holy Spirit, and the Gentiles are now included in redemptive history. And I was standing at the place that this all took place. God’s had his eye on this place as the place where the non-Jews would first be included in the salvation message from the beginning of time. I’d like to think He’s still looking over it and over me as I’m visiting the place where all of this went down.

Next, Paul had a long prison captivity here recorded n Acts 24. We were able to stand where he would was thought to be kept as a prisoner. I could only imagine what his thoughts were as he was ministering to this people for over 3 years- the people that came and went; the epistles and letters he wrote to the churches; how the culture there influenced what he said; who had visited him; how he ministered in chains; etc. Arguably the two most effective and influential ministers of the Gospel in history Jesus aside had been standing in the same place less than 2,000 years ago. They served and suffered and obeyed well.

I hope God is preparing me the same way He did to Peter and Paul so long ago. I hope the Spirit will be poured out again afresh on a new generation. I pray for a revival like the early church where wicked, unbelieving sinners turn to the Gospel for peace and life where God is exceedingly glorified and seen as He is. God come and work.

Hoping God raises up a new generation of saints,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Masada, Ein Gedi, Qumran

I really enjoyed the last day of this 3-day trip. It was like a mini-vacation and packed loaded. We were able to see Herod’s palace at Masada, float in the Dead Sea, see waterfalls at Ein Gedi, and end the day seeing the caves in the huge rock faces at Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found- and get back in time for dinner. Again, blessed and incredibly thankful for this experience. It is literally unbelievable.

Herod was my
kind of man. My unsanctified self loves what he’s doing. He just loves hedonistic pleasure- of all sorts, shapes, and sizes. This dude saw a rock face disconnected from the mountain range and near the Dead Sea, and said, “Yeah I’d like to have a palace here in the middle of no where to get away.” And so it went. How he first got up there, I have no clue. But he built a legit palace just for himself overlooking water and in the midst what is comparable to the Grand Canyon. Not a bad sight looking out over his three-stepped palace off one side of this free-standing plateau. I could only imagine the parties under the stars at this legendary palace. In a place that gets less than 4 inches of waterfall a year, he had a swimming pool- in the 1st century. YES! I’m beginning to see why I connect so well with John Piper’s idea of Christian Hedonism.
Herod could float in the Dead Sea (which is awesome, by the way), and go straight for a dip in his pool on top of his own personal mountain house. It’s like Rob and Big on steroids. He could literally do whatever he wanted and he did- all for his own pleasure. Pray for me. I get way to excited about building a house catering to my own wants. Progressive sanctification.
Ein Gedi was also really cool. It is a little oasis in the edge of the desert and wilderness. The best way I could describe it is the Garden of Eden. It’s really incredible; pools of water and waterfalls flowing into them at several different points- all this in the barren wilderness. I especially liked to find little nooks and crannies and just hang out there for a bit- very peaceful. If I were to build my own palace, I might start by waterfalls; or make my own pool with waterfalls into it…. And then a ledge to jump off into the pool!
Keep praying for me….
Well, that ended the 3-day trip. Galilee is next, which I’m super pumped for. Expect 4 posts next week, or over two weeks.

Ready and Super and psyched,

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Walking in the Wilderness

In my little “Daily Bible Reading Plan,” I’m reading in Numbers right now among others. The Israelites are making their way into the Promise Land finally after 40 years. On Sunday, we traveled to the Negev to see where Moses was wondering with his complaining companions for 40 years. When these connections happen, I like to dig into that a little bit to see if God wants me to focus in on this. It’s a good way of getting my attention. Some call it chance; some call it Divine providence. I like to think God is orchestrating all things in the universe to His good plan, even my life. But sometimes this is just coincidence.

While I was walking around in this huge, majestic canyon (with Ethiopians scaling the mountain with no concern for human life, theirs or mine), I began to think about the wilderness of obedience. Moses is out wandering for 40 years in obedience to the Lord. Now I’ve only lived half of that. But that seems like a pretty long time to be in the desert and to not know where to go. The desert is pretty hot and we were there in the winter- very uncomfortable.

In Numbers 10, Moses speaks to his father-in-law, who wants to leave the camp for his own land. Moses entreats him, “Come with us, and we will do good to you, for the LORD has promised good to Israel.” His father-in-law, Hobab, basically said thanks, but no thanks. He’s been waiting and he hasn’t seen this good promised. He’s had enough. This narrative displays the two attitudes we can have when suffering; and two I could imagine while wandering in this short wilderness myself. Right after this conversation, it says, “… the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them three days’ journey, to seek our a resting place for them. And the cloud of the Lord was over them by day, whenever they set out from the camp” (34-35). The Israelites had a cloud covering them from the heat. They had the guidance and safety of the Lord. They ate manna from heaven- all things to be thankful for in these less-than-ideal circumstances. Things stunk, but they could have been a lot worse. Moses takes this route: “… the Lord has promised good to Israel.” The Lord says in the next chapter, “Is the Lord’s hand shortened? Now you shall see whether my word will come true for you or not” (11. 23). Not to ruin the story, but it comes true. (It being feeding the people meat). Hobab just saw the frustration of not being “comfortable.” Of not having everything he wanted. Getting everything we want is the biggest danger God could do for us. He disciplines those he loves (Hebrew 12.6). It shows he cares. The American church (and me in particular) is in danger of getting everything we want. I begin to trust in the gifts, rather than the giver.

The same could be said of these unbelievable views in the wilderness. They could see it and give thanks to the Creator God for the experience; or they could get angry and frustrated that they have to climb out of another canyon. They could see the super bowl and think, “How the heck are we getting past this?” Or they can stop and see the majesty of it. They can see the gift as precious or as a burden. I tend to be more of a realist (some may say pessimist), but I pray for the vision to suffer well and to see the gifts of grace in bad circumstances. I think that’s what made Moses an effective leader and an effective intercessor with God for the people. It made the 40 years bearable. He was able to experience more of God- the main goal of life and especially “wilderness”- whatever the sort.

Desiring more of God in the Wilderness,

Monday, March 15, 2010

Why I think the Garden of Eden was in Jerusalem

The first day I was in Jerusalem one of our Profs, Dr. Paul Wright, was giving an introduction to the land of Israel and told our class that he believed the Garden of Eden was located in Jerusalem. The class laughed it off as a joke, but later I found out that he was completely serious. Last week I heard him discuss the theory, which is popular in classical rabbinic literature, in greater detail; and I have to say, the more I think about it, the more I like it. Now, ultimately, the location of the Garden of Eden is irrelevant to my faith and there is no way of proving the theory correct, but I just get geeked out about stuff like this. I think Sos could care less, but I love the theory. It just makes sense to me logically and biblically. I mean, Mt. Zion seems to be the focal point of the entire biblical narrative, so why would God start that narrative somewhere in ancient Mesopotamia and continue it in Israel?
As an overarching point, I would like to say that during the time of Eden, the universe was the way God intended it to be. After the fall, the universe became broken and fragmented. Since then, God has been redeeming that fallen universe and bringing all of creation back to himself, back to its originally state, back to Eden.
With that in mind, as we hunt for the location of the garden, there are two literary maps we can follow in Scripture. The first is as follows: Archeology tells us that the first civilizations originated around the Nile Delta and ancient Mesopotamia. Excluding Eden, the Bible tells us that the first events in history happen around Mesopotamia (Cain flees to Nod, Noah’s ark lands on Mt. Ararat, Tower of Babel built at Shinar, Abraham coming out of Ur). So naturally, we would put the Garden there as well. Also, Genesis 2 mentions four rivers in proximity to the Garden, the Tigris, Euphrates, Gihon, and Pishon. Two of those rivers flow through Mesopotamia (the Tigris and Euphrates) and the other two are unknown. So the first literary map points to a garden somewhere in ancient Mesopotamia.
But this map excludes an important biblical concept, that God is drawing all of creation back to the way he created it, back to Eden.
The second literary map is as follows: In the language of the Bible, exile means that the people are going east. When something bad happens, the people always go east. All the early biblical events I described in the previous paragraph happen in the east. Even after Cain kills Able, he flees further east; and when the people build the Tower of Babel, they also go further east to build it. On the other hand, when God redeems his people, he seems to be bringing them west, back to the homeland. God takes Abraham west out of Ur to establish his chosen people. Jesus always approaches Jerusalem from the west, over the Mt. of Olives, despite the fact that the city is most accessible from the north. Genesis 3:24 says that God placed a Cherubim at the eastern side of Eden to guard the entrance. Meaning that after the fall, Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden to go east. So it makes perfect sense that all the early biblical events would happen “in exile” east of Israel in Mesopotamia. This literary map alludes to a Garden somewhere west of Mesopotamia; namely, in the land of Israel.
Also, many scholars have speculated the locations of the Pishon and Gihon rivers, and it is possible that one of these is the ancient name for the Nile River. But most people have neglected the fact that there is a Gihon River running straight through Jerusalem. It's a stone's throw from where I am sitting right now. It’s really more of an ancient spring than a mighty river, but nowhere is Genesis does it say the river has to be a certain size.
It is also interesting to see that many of the Old Testament writers use the language that describes Eden in Genesis 1-3 to describe the promise land; and more specifically, Jerusalem. Even Eden’s geographic and agricultural descriptions match the land of Jerusalem. Not that the biblical authors knew the location of Eden, but at the very least, they did see the connections between Eden and the promise land.
Therefore, in terms of logic and biblical language, it does not follow that God would focus his entire redemptive plan around the land of Israel; yet start that plan somewhere east of Israel in ancient Mesopotamia. If Israel, specifically Jerusalem, is the axis of God’s plan for human history, why would God begin that plan in Mesopotamia? I believe in the unity of the Bible, and a Garden located in Mesopotamia does not seem to align itself with the unity of the Biblical narrative. Remember, God is drawing all of creation back to himself, back to the way he originally created it, back to Eden.

Walking with the LORD God in the cool of the day,

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliver, my God, my Rock, in whom I take Refuge, My shield, and the Horn of my Salvation, my Stronghold"

This past week Danny and I went on the Ramparts walk around Jerusalem- walking around the Old city on the top of the wall. It brought new meaning to the “Lord is my fortress” and the “Lord is my Rock.” It would be never hard not to trust in this massive, amazing, strong structure protecting the city. But the Psalmists hoped in something else- something stronger.

I’ve also been walking around the cemetery some since I’ve been here. It’s actually a really cool place- I’ve seen some missionaries tombs, military soldiers, archeologists; men and women; young and old (and my age); Arab, German, English, American, Irish, all around the world. And most of these graves look like no one has visited them in a long, long time. I realized the short time we have here on earth, and how no one is likely to visit my grave 30 years after I die. It will likely be just like the ones I see in this cemetery: Grown over, decaying, uncared for, etc. There are few people who have their graves visited after their generation. I’m not trying to be morbid or depressing, but that’s just the truth.

I mention this background information, because these two ideas came together for me a little this weekend. Looking at all these huge walls and structures on Saturday at Lachish, Beth Shemesh, etc, I realized how fast things fade. The walls that some people put their hope and trust in quickly came tumbling down and were unvisited for many years. Now there is a small remain of foundation stones remembering all its glory.

What am I living for? Where is my trust and hope? Is anything I do today going to last or be remembered after this week, much less in 100 years? What is my foundation I’m building on? When all comes tumbling in on me, what is left standing up? Where’s my strength? When it comes down to you, if that’s not God who is eternal and everlasting, I’ll have my 70 years if I'm lucky, and then I’m done. Probably never to be known of again.
But my God in whom I my trust is everlasting to everlasting. He is my hope- my rock and my salvation. So day to day activities should be about making much of Him. He will be remembered. This is a movie where I have a ½ second shot where I’m in the background walking about. Jesus is the main character. It’s about Him, not me. Life is fleeting. He is remembered from Creation. He is the author and sustainer of everything. Huge cities will be built. They will come tumbling down and left in ruins. Empires are built and fall to nothing. But my hope is in something stronger- something eternal that cannot be forgotten. God is my fortress and strong tower. Though may life may seem like is has all fallen, He will stand and be my strength.

Small and insignificant, but standing on The Rock,


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Prayer Updates

This will be a busy week for the blog-o-sphere. We went on a three-day trip this weekend, and have to write a page for each, so it’s easy if I just put those on here, with slight modifications to keep you updated. But before that, I wanted to give you some prayer updates.
I’ll give what I asked prayer for, and then give an update.

1. That God would use this time of refreshing and renewing in the Lord. I want to spend a lot of time just alone with the Lord, reflecting on the past and looking forward to my future ministry and work.
This time has been really great. I feel really refreshed and renewed, even with the stress of school and all that goes with that. I’ve really had some sweet times with the Lord. In terms of future, I feel like God’s calling me to a city close to a college campus. Vague, but a little more definite. I want to help super-jacked up people come to know the Lord in a real, effectual way. I get psyched about that.

2. To do this, I need to be in the Word and have a much better prayer life. I limited the books I took (kinda) so I hope and pray (and work for) set time apart to be away with the Lord and meditate.
Goes along with the first. Always need continued prayer here.

3. To engage when I read the Bible and don’t just read to like a newspaper or to check it off. To spend deep time in God’s word.
This has been really helpful. I go through the Bible and write mostly prayers as I read to engage with it. Always continued prayer.

4. For my baptism on April 15- that the Spirit would move powerfully
Still active.

5. College Decisions (Gordon, Asuza, SES)
Gordon is crowned winner. I got accepted last week and feel like that’s where God’s leading.

6. I really just want to be a more Godly man. I don't care to be nicer, or kinder, or friendlier, I want to know God better and more fully. I want to drink more deeply out of His fountain of grace. I wish to grow in Godliness and pursue the Lord with my whole being.
More than anything, I need to love Him more. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up at Paul would say. I’d turn my prayer towards that.

7. With the previous prayer request, I've really been convicted of my sinfulness: cowardness, self-righteousness, and pride. I know the first one doesn't fit in with the other two, but that's how sin works I suppose. I want to be bold and powerful and not simply appeasing like is my default response.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a leader of God’s people. That’s a huge task and I’m seeing more and more of my “unfit-ness” for it. I care way too much about what other people think of me. That’s why I don’t seem approachable at first, why I don’t share the Gospel, why I don’t do a lot of things I should. I need prayer for a holy boldness and courage and strength that stems from God. I need to die to self.

So as an update and summary, my prayer requests:
1. Meaningful time with the Lord refreshing and being washed with His Spirit. Loving Him more, and thus loving others.
2. A Spirit of meekness and approachability. To die to self and be filled with the Spirit. Pride has a lot of work in this. Being a Godly Leader.
3. Continue to make prayer a priority.
4. Baptism on April 15th. Spirit would move like He did in Acts 19.
5. Praise for God’s work thus far.
6. I’m a very judgmental person. Prayer for this. Has a lot to do with #2 and my view of my own sin and pride.
7. That I’ll live the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) and be a certain kind of person before I do certain actions. Growing up into a Godly man.

I miss you guys. Thanks for praying. Posts will be Thursday, Saturday, Monday, then back on schedule. Hope to hear from you and interact a bit. Praying for you guys.

From a very thankful heart,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Samaritan Church

We went on a trip to Samaria this weekend, and as with all the others, I received a deeper appreciation for the history of this land and these people. It’s so rich in the depth of past events. There is truly nothing like this in America, mainly because it’s only been “around” 300 years. Stuff gets thrown out here that’s 300 years old. That’s a joke to Israelites.

The thing I appreciated most in this field study was actually nothing we went over in class. What I enjoyed most was the Byzantine period church. I was able to stand in the same spot that my spiritual brothers and sisters worshipped nearly 1700 years ago! It was incredible. It brought forth deep passions of worship and praise to the triune God of the universe our deep-rooted history. It made me wonder so many things about this church building. How many people worshipped here? How were the services ordered? What kind of songs did they sing? How did these people pour their lives out for the sake of the Gospel? Were any of these people fruits of Paul or Timothy? Maybe someone’s great-great-grandparent actually saw Jesus. What was the persecution like this church faced? Were there any martyr’s? Who preached here? What was a sermon like back then? Did they experience relative peace? What did their discipleship model look like? Did they need one? What kind of music did they worship to? How strong were their affections in this building? Mine were overflowing with gratitude for our faith father’s that represented the things of Christ and the Gospel well- for the sacrifices they made and the persecution they went through for the Gospel to reach literally the ends of the earth and ultimately me. From Shiloh, Israel, to Cleveland, Ohio, the Gospel has spread and influenced hundreds of millions over the centuries. I was staggering as I thought about the church’s history in this small, ancient, mosaic-filled church.

In awe and wonder,
