Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jesus and the Blind Man

There's way too much that goes on here for me to post a "short" message once a week. Really, I could write something everyday, but I'm in college and have to write papers, so give me a break. But I will change it to twice a week, for my sake, and so you don't have to read a book every time you check the page.

Today was the first day I really knew I was seeing something very similar, or identical to what Jesus saw or experienced. I saw two things, but only one I'll mention ion detail (more on the other later). We were able to see the steps leading to the Pool of Siloam mentioned in John 9. After last week, I did not think there was anything so close to Jesus’ ministry yet excavated. It was fascinating to actually be there and awakened a compelling sense of excitement and enthusiasm. Specifically, my imagination was awakened to the blind man's reaction after Jesus told him to go wash in the pool. The saliva is mixed with mud and put into the eyes of the man, which I can only describe as disgusting. That’s way too close to my personal space with something like that. My reaction would have been different at first. (But, of course, that is with a lack of first century history knowledge. I just imagine that never being okay with me.) But I imagined after hearing Jesus’ words a power coming over the man. Maybe his eyes are first seeing a light he’s never seen. Next, maybe slits of images start to appear as he picks up speed down the steps. I can only imagine his excitement growing and growing until he reaches the bottom of this huge staircase and jumps into the pool to wash over, and inevitably can finally see. The excitement and joy this must have brought this man was almost unimaginable at this point. But I got to walk up and down those steps. I got to see at least some of the structure that was there as he ran, or walked down. And with this vision, I was able to feel some of what he felt, and hear what he must have heard- some of the words of discouragement, some of the disbelief, some of the skepticism, some of others excitement. And I picture Jesus looking down seeing this whole picture- author of it all- looking at everyone’s reaction, and especially at this man’s building of slow, gradual, but elated joy. I feel Jesus’ bit of satisfaction of doing the Father’s will and obeying His mission- and thus seeing life change in people. And then I see him turning and going on to the next task to bring His Father glory.
All of this description only with a few layers of steps and a small, dirty pool of water in a valley. I’m not saying I’m all there yet, but it’s building and with that I’m excited about knowing more and developing a fuller view of Biblical Israel.

One more prayer request to end: Just keep praying of deeper and deeper times of fellowship and intimacy with the Lord. I think I know it's going good because layers of my sin keep getting peeled back further and further so the wretched man I am, and thus appreciate the grace, mercy, and power of Jesus more and more. Thanks for your prayers, and keep 'em coming!

Blessed for this experience (shout-out to Mom and Dad),


  1. I thought writing twice a week was so that the posts would be shorter... not longer.

  2. Alex, I've been doing a comparative study of the gospels. Your blog touched my heart -- I think I understand how you were moved to be on the steps of that pool. I can't wait to read more. You were a blessing to me today. I'll be praying. I was just telling Kellen the other day, the more I read the Bible, the more I hunger to know Jesus better. Grow and Stretch, Mrs. K
