Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Holy through the Cross

A couple weeks ago we visited some monasteries of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Looking at some of these ornate and beautiful buildings, a couple thoughts came to mind. I wish the pictures did justice.

I noticed that a lot of people in our group did not appreciate the unreal designs and intricacies of these buildings completely painted in amazing colors. I realized that Americans have really lost an appreciation for the sacred and beautiful. It’s as if when Jesus died and the Temple was torn, (thus signifying God’s glory and holiness not being contained to a place, but available for all, so that we may come boldly to the throne room of God through the blood of Jesus), it made all things mediocre and uninteresting. Instead of making all things holy, sanctified, and sacred, it’s as if that allowed all things to be uninteresting, mediocre, and average- that holiness and sacredness can no longer be attributed to anything. (I won’t get into the idol worship of the icons, however. Danny and I are going to a theological significance of icons tonight by the way. Should be good.)

There are two main types of church models: attractional and missional. Seeing these churches made me realize a couple things. I’ve always felt called to the missional model: living the Gospel wherever God has placed you- in your neighborhood, school, job, etc. The attractional church model attempts to bring people into the church and in that way they can hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Matt Chandler (if you don’t know him, youtube him), lives out and teaches the missional model, but has said this is not the only way to do church, but this is what he was felt called to, but that that doesn’t negate the attractional model. I always thought that was ridiculous and there was nothing inferior about the attractional model. While I still feel called to the missional model, the attractional model of drawing people in and being an oasis in a culture made more sense to me after this trip. I think the American church is in danger in some ways in the attractional model, because instead of drawing people in with beauty and sacredness, we try to draw people in by catering to them and making them comfortable with reclinable, movie theater seats with espresso machines in every chair, and double-decker basketball courts. I’m not sure that’s the best way to use God’s money. But that’s another post. The fact is that cities were built around these monasteries. They reached people with the Gospel by drawing them in. It was an oasis of holy living and an appreciation for the sacred. People were drawn to that. And just because I feel called to preach and to live out the missional model of going out to reach people doesn’t mean there is anything inferior about drawing people in, as long as it’s by God’s attraction and not comfort attraction. If the good news goes out, that’s good enough for me. I’m amazed at how God uses different means to accomplish the same purpose- drawing people to Himself for ultimate joy and satisfaction. And he even uses unrighteous means to accomplish His righteous purposes.

Continuing to be rocked by the Gospel,



  1. no ones reading this blog to hear what you say diesel...

    "rocked by the Gospel" - EMASE quote. Nice.
