As I was thinking about my last post, I thought about how odd that might sound to a person who has not come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. As I went over it, it is a weird deal. Almost cult-ish. It’s ok to think that. It’s ok to realize the goofy-ness of some things Christian. But I wanted to clarify the unique position of Christian evangelicalism towards telling others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ for my readers who might not know Jesus.
The purpose that I, or any other Christian, would want to spread the Gospel is all about God’s glory and our joy. John Piper has said that sharing the Gospel is the most loving thing I can show you. Why? Because with Christ is ultimate joy and satisfaction. I want to invite you into that. Listen, I haven’t gone totally buck-wild, but I’ve been wild enough to know the un-satisfaction and triviality of much of what life has to over. And Christ is better than that. He is better than wine and drunkenness. “For your love is better than wine” (Song 1.2) He brings more joy than drunkenness. “You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound” (Psalm 4.7). Drunkenness feels good, but Christ’s love and joy are better. A relationship with Him is better than any other earthly relationship- family, friends, wife, girlfriend, whatever. Christ came to give life and life abundantly (John 10.10). So I want to share the Gospel to satisfy that insatiable desire. I’ve tried to fill it with a bunch of crap, but no matter how big the crap pile is, it’s still crap. CS Lewis says, “"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."- a world beyond this one. Now if I knew this desire, and knew the fulfillment it brought, I would be a very unloving person if I didn’t tell you about God’s love and satisfaction He has for you. If we submit our will in dependence on God, He is glorified. He get’s the glory; we get the joy.
The Gospel: We’ve screwed up countless of times. We are destined for wrath in the presence of God’s perfect holiness. We do not get into heaven by being “good enough” or by “being better than that guy.” Our only hope is by Christ’s imparted righteousness. Christ lived the perfect life and was without sin. He died and bore the wrath and pain I was meant to bear. By faith and believe in His name, we are counted right by God and can spend eternal life loving and enjoying Him. He bore my penalty; I get His positional righteousness before the God of the universe. Wrath is satisfied; relationship is restored. Christ is my only hope.
Hope this might have cleared up some of the strange-ness of sharing the Gospel.
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him,