Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hunger for Jesus and His Kingdom

Well it’s been a busy couple weeks and days, and here I am, the night before I leave for Israel. It hasn’t really hit me yet. I’ve been scrambling to meet with people and get everything I need and pack, etc, etc. Today was the first day I really realized that this was my last of everything- last shower, last Coldstone, last time driving- so some of it’s been surreal, and other things have gone by so fast that I can’t remember them. What I want to talk about in this blog is something I’ll be doing in Israel that I want to invite you in and share in.
To sum up my previous two blogs, I really just desire a greater intimacy with God in Jerusalem, and to carry out in all my life. What I want to do in Israel is to fast two times a week- one for personal growth in Godliness, one for Christ to come and the Kingdom to be established. Now I’ve been debating on saying this or not, being weary of Matthew 6, but I’ve searched my heart, and want to you to share in this command of Jesus for your ultimate joy. I think there’s danger in describing what days I’m doing it or how or anything, but all I want to explain is the why question. This isn’t to be copied in exact regimen, only repeated to develop a hunger for God more than food, or internet, or anything in this world.
First, like stated previously, I want to desire God more intensely than I desire anything else in this world. I want the hunger pains of food to remind me of the same passion and desire for God. So on this day, or time, I’m going to be praying for my own personal spiritual growth- that greater intimacy with God. I want to experience God in new ways, and to have a fresh, renewed vision of His power and glory. Like Paul, I want to put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit (Romans 8.13). I desire to listen and obey God, more than to listen and obey my body- ultimate satisfaction over temporary pleasure. I long to desire the ultimate treasure, and the Giver more than the gift.
The second purpose this will serve will be to pray for Christ’s Kingdom to come and be established. By the Spirit’s indwelling, this will allow me to detach myself from the trivialities and pursuits of the world, and to attach my eyes to my true home, not this temporary dwelling. I say I long for Jesus, but how intense is that desire. Do I really want him to come again? Or do I want to accomplish things and life a full life first? How much do I desire to see Him again? In this day, or time of prayer, I want to cry out to God to come and restore and redeem all things- to initiate the new heavens and new earth where there will be no more death, decay, tears, disease, sickness, or sadness. I want to long for Him to come and rule and make everything glorious for all eternity.
In both cases, my plea again is for greater intimacy with God- here on this earth, or in new creation. My prayer is that He’ll come when I’m in the Hoy Land and to establish His Kingdom and the New Creation when I’m on the Temple Mount. How sick would that be?
But again, I say these things for two reasons: 1.) That you’ll share in this command of Jesus and desire Him more than the world, and 2.) That you’ll pray for me in my striving to know God better and glorify Him more through this.
John Wesley has said: “Some have exalted religious fasting beyond all Scripture and reason; and others have utterly disregarded it." I don’t want you to be guilted into this, or exalt it to something beyond Scripture mandate, but I do want to experience the joy God brings through the strength of the Spirit. That’s my prayer for me and you.

Hungry for more of Him,

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