Saturday, April 17, 2010

Limping in the Jabbok

During the second half of the second day, we made a fairly quit stop at the Jabbok river wadi. Just for clarification purposes, a wadi is a river cut valley that water flows through continuously, or just when it rains. It’s basically a valley. They create some pretty awesome views.

The significance of this story comes in the story of Jacob wrestling with the man/angel/God in Genesis 32. If you are a faithful follower, you know that this was referenced in my first post in preparation for coming here, so it had a special place in my heart. It was fitting that I would start with this passage, and on the last trip, actually see it.

Here’s the gist of the story. Throughout Jacob’s whole life, he was a deceiver. That’s what Jacob literally means in Hebrew. Some call it cheating, some call it cleverness, but he was deceitful. The context of this story has to do with Jacob’s deceiving coming back to bite him in the butt. Jacob deceived Esau for the birth right by disguising himself as Esau, so that Isaac would bless him first. Thus, he holds the inheritance of his father. After this, Esau wants to kill him, naturally, and Jacob flees. After about 12 years, he’s on his way back through the land, and a messenger tells Jacob that Esau is on his way towards him with a large people group. Jacob sends forth most of his belongings in succession, and finally his own wife and children, as he stays alone at night in the Jabbok wadi. This being the only water source in the area, the animals (lions, etc) come down at night to catch easy prey. You could imagine his fear and anticipation that night as he sits alone at the bottom of this huge valley. You could also imagine his hurt and anger at God for bringing this upon him- his deceitfulness has finally caught up with him. What characterized him- his name literally- has caught up with him. It always hurts when what is most deeply engrained in you is exposed and shown- that’s never a pleasant experience- especially when that’s a sin and not anything Godly. But Jacob wrestles violently with God that night until morning. He won’t let go of God until he blesses him. And then there’s this line- Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.” What defined Jacob- his name and character- is changed. His essence and what was so deeply engrained in him is changed- how? By wrestling with God. And notice what it’s changed to- Israel- to strive with God. He is no longer going against God in a deceitful manner, but is striving- determined, motivated, ruthless- running with God. He wasn’t satisfied with his sin. He wasn’t content. He wanted more of himself and of God. His sin was exposed and he hated it. He wanted God’s blessing and victory.

I’m not going to give myself a self-proclaimed nickname, but I do hope that I have been striving with God and striving for God and against sin and all things evil. Sometimes sin’s exposure is all that can do that- as painful as that is. And for that I’m thankful. God came and wrestled with me, and like Jacob, I am changed forever by an experience with God and now walk with a limp- of God’s power and my sin.

No swagger Sos

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